The formidable Dr Maya Angelou
Also while in Thailand I read ‘Letter to my daughter’ by the
formidable Maya Angelou bought for me by my own mother. Maya is a civil rights activist, historian, novelist, poet
and film maker. While Maya never had a daughter (she has one son) she
celebrates the thousands of daughters she has and gives her “offering” in this beautiful
book. Maya writes about her experiences including
her experience having a child and raising him alone. She also shares her
experience of domestic abuse in a way that does not allow the reader to define
her by them. I was struck by the way Maya survived the experience in calm but
determined way.
Despite Maya’s magnificent achievements, she remains humble
and empowering. I love that she does not
present herself as a finished product and speaks openly about how she is still
learning. Maya offers her experience and wise words with no expectation that
you will follow her way. Maya encourages her daughters to find their own path
while embedding the assumption that her daughters are wise, creative, resourceful
and intelligent. It reminded me of how
lucky I am to have a mother whose confidence in my ability to deal with
whatever life throws at me is unshakable. Life can be so much easier when there
is a positive expectation of you. The way Maya writes is accessible, inspiring
and quite magical. For me, she is a story teller for grown-ups, her voice is so
soothing. You can hear her for yourself
via this link
When reading or listening to Maya’s work I feel like I want
to etch every word onto my brain but three quotes from her that stuck out are:
“Life loves the liver of it, I have dared to try many
things, sometimes trembling but daring still”
I love this quote, it reminds that while some things are
scary it is so important to experience them even if they don’t work out the way
you hope there is still learning to do.
“Be certain not to die without doing something wonderful for
This quote made me think about how much I love for job and
how I hope to make a difference if only in a small way but also made me think about
how much more we could all do.
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”
Every day there is chance to make someone’s day a bit
better. Thank you Maya Angelou for inspiring me and generations gone by and to