After watching 12 years a slave I reflected upon the injustice and resolved that if I had been there, I would have done something...but what would I have done? How far would I have been prepared to go to express my feelings about what was happening to black people. What privilege would I have been prepared to sacrifice? What danger would I have been prepared to expose my family to? These thoughts led me to consider the injustice in my local community. For a long time I have been puzzled about the UK's attitude to immigration and asylum seekers. Having listened to many people's stories of abuse and neglect I have always considered that those seeking asylum in this country must feel devastated when they reach a country they thought would offer them refuge only to find they are rejected and treated like criminals. I am not so naive to think some people will enter the UK illegally or with ill intention however I am also aware that proving you have been abused or at risk of persecution is different to talk about to a stranger let alone prove it.
I live relatively close to Yarl's Wood Detention Centre. I have always been troubled by the idea of locking people up who have not committed a crime. Initially children were kept in the centre. An incident involving harmful sexual behaviour between two children led to a serious case review which you can read here SCR Fortunately children are no longer held there. Women are detained for an indefinite period in the centre for various reasons relating to their right to remain in the UK. I have worked in prisons and by all accounts the Centre is a prison. Many of the women detained will be granted leave to remain in the UK. The media have reported allegations of abuse by staff. Recently a woman died in their care. The circumstances of her death are being investigated. You can read more about rumours she was 'prescribed' paracetamol after complaining of chest pain before she died of cardiac arrest in this independent article. After reading in this article in the guardian which outlines Rashida Manjoo, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women being refused entry to the centre I felt I wanted to do something. I heard about Yarl's Wood Befrienders on BBC three counties radio so I contacted them and have recently started visiting. I'll be offering hope, respect and empathy. It feels like so little but I guess it's something.
Im always looking for inspiration from women for myself and my unborn, not yet conceived daughter. The fact that we only have one woman on a banknote is just one of the reasons I think it's important to do this. I heard this morning that there is a campaign for World War One Nurse, Edith Cavell to appear on £2 coin. You can sign the petition here. Edith is best known for facilitating the escape of 200 allied troops from German occupied Belgium. For her actions she was shot by firing squad at the age of 41 in 1915. I find such acts of heroism truly humbling and a reminder that we could all do more to help others even if only to show kindness. Thank you Edith for your inspiration and tremendous courage.